Friday, September 10, 2010

Remember you are "INVINCI MOMMA but not because of who you are but WHO HE IS IN YOU!!!

Thank you Linda for your kind words!

I am glad GOD uses me to inspire some... you!

All things are possible....not only possible, nor merely probable....

But HE makes them our reality when we keep our hearts upon our knees and seek HIM before we begin all things!

When you or I get overly exhausted.... It is because we have chosen to "Do It Ourselves"  Not allowing HIM to carry the burden...
We simply go through the motions...but let's let HIM do the REAL WORK the heavy lifting!

And when we ask and allow HIM to do it all for us & through us....  and give HIM ALL of the credit....

We can assume that how it turns out even when not what we had hoped... that for some reason IT IS HOW HE wants it.....  so relax knowing it is up to HIM... HIS responsibility not ours to make appropriate changes!

Regardless of outcome...we never need be disappointed nor glum...
We have enjoyed a ride upon HIS wings and been a part of HIM doing all things!

Sing New Songs All Day Long and watch your joy rise higher...  as you stretch catch and fetch and pass HIS Fire to others!



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Linda Holland
Date: Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Hope you enjoyed the game Linda! I put it on and what they call music or entertainment these days was too tough for me...
To: Stephie Gustavson

Hi Stephanie,

Just have time for a quick note in response to your emails of yesterday.  Wow! It is great that you have found so many teachers!  I did not know where anyone was, I remember Mr Turner from Grace king, but not Mrs. Turner.  Mr. Turner was so nice, I loved him. Whenever I thought I was going to be in trouble with a teacher I could go to him and he would always tell me not to worry that whatever it was would work out.  He was nice.  Wasn't he our disciplinarian? I can't remember, and my books are put away on a shelf right now... I'm getting ready to head to Daytona for work.  

I remember Mr. Ordoynne but I don't think I had him.  My teachers are no longer there, I had Mr. Coon, Mr. Skorlich for sciences, and Mr. Lively and Miss Oliva for spanish.... English I remember Mrs. Owens, and someone else... I remember Mr. Naquin, but I never had him as a teacher, but he was the best.  Mr. Hawkins was in my hall, Mrs. Miller, for Civics... And then I had teachers who's names I just don't remember.  Oh, Mr. Sullivan was my favorite History teacher, though.  And I rememeber not liking my PE teacher Mrs. Colar.  Really there were not many teachers there that made an impact on me except my science and history teachers, and if I liked someone.... Oh, and Mr. Haufpauer, the librarian... Since I spent a LOT of time in the library my junior and senior year.... Especially my Senior year.  

Anyway, I have to get to to work, I have a lot to do, I'm trying to coordinate services for an individual and arrange some interviews with service providers, and also I have a medicaid issue that I have to take care of for another individual.
Today is a busy day.  Thank you so much for the inspirational poem you sent.  I printed it out and hung it on my bulletin board beside me so when I start to stress I can look at that, sit back and take a moment to lay it all at God's feet, and relax then get back to work!

Much love and big hugs!

On 9/10/10 8:28 AM, "Stephie Gustavson"

Hi Linda,

I was not able to get into that loud heavy metal electric, and yelling not singing.

So I put EWTN on for a while & TWC but did not even keep either of them on the entire night.

I turned TV off and listened to soft quiet music and worked online searching out several things you & I have talked about last week.

I found that Girard Playground has a website and I found email addresses for coaches etc.

I will write a couple of women this morning who volunteer there these days.

Mrs Kathleen Turner taught me both at JQA & GK and still teaches at GK...I wrote her last night.

Mrs Fuegi wrote me late yesterday afternoon.

I found a Facebook page where many students whom I knew were chiming in about remembering Mrs Dunaway... (I recall Faye was her first name)
Mr Levy Mrs Charron  Mr Odoyne etc etc.

I found a memorial board for former students of Shaw HS it listed Gary Ordoyne as having graduated either 1964 or prior and being listed on this board meant he has died....but the date of his death was not listed.

You know I was not able to write my former classmates not having a Facebook.... 

I will forward Ms Fuegi's note... she mentioned Mrs Owens did not keep in touch with her.

I went on Covington High website since she said Jay Naquin moved there and she had heard he was teaching there...   but the two teachers with same last name had different first names...  but I will write  the woman...  I think "Donna" today also.



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